Karlstad is proud to organize Equadiff 2024 (during June 10-June 14) at its university campus.
Equadiff is one of the oldest active series of mathematical conferences in the world, dating back to the 1960ies. It is a series of biennial conferences on theoretical aspects of differential equations (broadly seen) held in rotation in various countries of Western and Eastern Europe. Recent editions in Western Europe include Berlin (1999), Hasselt (2003), Vienna (2007), Loughborough (2011), Lyon (2015), Leiden (2019), all of which attracted at least 400 participants.
The next Equadiff conference will be held in Karlstad (Sweden) from June 10 to 14, 2024.
The webpage of the 2024 event in Karlstad (Sweden) is here.
Both the registration to the event and the submission of abstracts is now open. Feel welcome to join!
Author: Karin Lundberg, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!